IAESTE Darmstadt e.V. - Darmstadt, Germany
Company Information
- Company registration number
- Company Status
- Country
- Germany
- Registered Address
- Darmstadt Darmstadt DE
Jurisdiction Particularities
- Court
- DE/Darmstadt
IAESTE Darmstadt e.V. Company Description
- IAESTE Darmstadt e.V. is registered in Germany with the Company reg no VR82810 DARMSTADT. Its current trading status is "live". It can be contacted at Darmstadt .
Get IAESTE Darmstadt e.V. Register ReportShareholder ListArticles of AssociationAnnual AccountChronological Extract
You are here: Iaeste Darmstadt E.v. - Darmstadt, Germany
Announcements from the Handelsregister
- 2010-06-15 New incorporation
- IAESTE Darmstadt e.V., Darmstadt, (Hochschulstraße *, * Darmstadt).
IAESTE Darmstadt e.V.
Did you know? kompany provides original and official company documents for IAESTE Darmstadt e.V. as filed with the government register. Guaranteed.
Register Report
Official proof of the company existence
Shareholder List
Details on the shareholders
Articles of Association
Founding documents
Annual Account
Financial data for the last reported full year
Chronological Extract
Full record of registrable changes